Compatible Devices


Track Expenses
Track Sales Tax
Export Accounting Reports
Store receipts digitally
Save Time & Money

Free 30 day trial, no credit card required!

app store google play

Spiker features

The information stored on our server can be accessed easily and quickly when needed on your home computer or a hand held device.

7 year
no bookkeeper
Android Phones

common questions

Spiker will benefit a wide range of professionals. Spiker is able to support the needs of your business, from Realtors looking to maximize their time and keep their overhead down, to a professional sales team who need to efficiently track and consolidate their expenses.

Spiker will benefit you by saving you time and money. Spiker helps keep professionals organized on the go.

Spiker does not get directly involved in audits, We will, however, provide the information you have stored to make sure the audit goes as smoothly as possible.

Spiker is available for iPhone through the Apple app store and for Androids it is available through Google Play. All features are also available online by registering at

Up to date security systems are in place. We store all images on a secure cloud server hosted at Digital Ocean. We use Stripe to handle all credit card transactions. No credit card data is handled on Spiker servers.

pricing plan

We offer a monthly and yearly plan at a very reasonable price - plan information below.

Pay Never


  • Image Storage
  • 1 year backup of all receipts
  • Basic Reports
  • Export to Excel
  • Email Support
sign up
Pay monthly


  • Image Storage
  • 7 year backup of all receipts
  • Basic Reports
  • Export to Excel
  • Full Support
sign up
Pay Yearly


  • Image Storage
  • 7 year backup of all receipts
  • Basic Reports
  • Export to Excel
  • Full Support
sign up
Sign up for Spiker it's free and no credit card is needed!

Download the Spiker App now!

Currently Spiker can be found on the Apple App Store, Google play and on the web.

app store google play

contact us




612 - 525 Seymour st Vancouver, BC, V6B 3H6